Wednesday, September 8, 2010

From Tourist to Townie

Another day, another class, and another opportunity to learn! Today was my gender class, and we started off with talking about conceptions about where we live. So what comes to people’s minds when you say “New Jersey”. I said corn, reality television, blueberries, factories, and the shore. We then had to talk about what conceptions we had about Florence. And that got me thinking about my time here in Italy, and how I feel that I am becoming more of a local (temporary) faster than I thought.

What makes me believe that I am becoming a Florentine is because I can get to places a lot quicker and easier that I thought. I can get to school, the food market, to most of the major sites, and train station with ease. I am learning alternate routes and the best places to buy water. I understand the bus schedules, know where to get a cab, and I know who is selling counterfeit goods. What also makes me a townie is that I get sidetracked by tourists. Picture-taking, directions, and light chit-chat are frequently asked of me, even when I am running off to class. I always slow down and help because not long ago, I was exactly where they were. I was an American tourist, learning the ropes on how to get along in my new home. Florence, even for its small size, can be intimidating. And I am proud that I am seen as someone who can help them and make their day a little more enjoyable.

Now as I sail through the streets, dodge taxis and motor scooters, and arrive to class perfectly on time, I realize how far I have come. I am totally independent, buying my own food, cooking it, going to class, doing homework, cleaning the apartment, and doing laundry. I am so proud of how far I have come. A year ago, I really didn’t think I could really live on my own – I can sometimes be stubborn and inflexible. But this experience so far has showed me that I can relax, roll with the punches and really have an amazing experience. This is truly the experience of a lifetime.

And to all my readers, thank you. Your support is so awesome and I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedules to read my blog.

Grazie and Ciao!

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